What’s unique about DFC’s brake pad hardware? Co-founder Dino Crescentini breaks it down in this video

Hardware is often overlooked, but it can make or break your next brake job.

The reality is hardware can be stressed or corroded within a year or two, leading to reduced spring tension, premature and uneven wear, as well as noise. 

Co-Founder Dino Crescentini presents the value of hardware for your brake job, as well as the signature features of DFC Hardware Kits

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The most important thing about hardware is for the spring tension to maintain the proper alignment of the pad and caliper. This alignment helps in both the prevention and reduction of noise.

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In addition, our caliper abutment clips are coated with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), commonly known as teflon. 

DFC goes one step further: we add PTFE coating to vehicle-specific applications that didn’t come standard originally on the vehicle. This increases brake performance and prevents unnecessary noise.

Finally, when it’s time for you to replace the hardware, make sure you use the right hardware to perform a perfect brake job.

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